
Welcome to NightCru

“Come Get Painted!”


At NightCru, we specialize in creating custom tattoos that reflect our clients’ individuality and personal stories. Whether you’re looking for a small and intricate design or a large-scale masterpiece, our artists are skilled in various tattoo styles, including traditional, realism, blackwork, watercolor, and more. We work closely with each client to bring their vision to life and ensure that the final result exceeds their expectations.


If you have an existing tattoo that you wish to conceal or transform, our cover-up services are the perfect solution. Our artists are experts in designing innovative cover-up tattoos that effectively camouflage old or unwanted tattoos while creating a fresh and beautiful new piece of art. We carefully consider the existing tattoo, skin tone, and design preferences to create a seamless and aesthetically pleasing cover-up that you’ll love.


NightCru Tattoo Studio is dedicated to fostering the next generation of talented tattoo artists. As part of our commitment to excellence and creativity, we offer apprenticeship opportunities for aspiring individuals who are passionate about pursuing a career in tattooing. Our apprenticeship program provides hands-on training, mentorship, and guidance from experienced artists, allowing apprentices to develop their skills, learn industry best practices, and gain valuable experience in a supportive and collaborative environment.

Our Mission

At NightCru, we strive to provide a welcoming and inclusive space where clients can express themselves through the art of tattooing. Whether you’re looking to get your first tattoo, cover up an existing piece, or explore the possibility of a future in tattoo artistry, NightCru Tattoo Studio is here to bring your vision to life with creativity, skill, and passion.


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